How does the library decide what to buy?
There are many factors that result in the library purchasing or subscribing to a resource. Some factors include:
- Policy --- our primary focus is to develop a collection that supports the students, faculty, and staff of the Colorado School of Mines. To start, you can read our Collection Development Policy which answers this question at length.
- Cost --- the Library's budget varies each year and we must balance the rising costs along with wanting to expand our collection. The Library is transparent about what is added or removed from our collection by updating our Library Collection Budget Guide each year.
- Suggestions by Mines users --- while Library staff make decisions about what content is made available we are always open to hearing what resources will support your education and research at Mines. At any time, you may Suggest a Purchase of books, journals, databases, etc.
If you are looking for an item and the library does not own it, you can request it via Interlibrary Loan. If you have any questions, please contact the library.