What is EZproxy?
EZproxy is the software that the Arthur Lakes Library uses to provide remote access to the library's databases and resources that are restricted to Mines faculty, students, and staff. EZproxy works by including a prefix in front of the resource URL and asking users to sign in using Mines credentials. We have added this prefix to our databases, ejournals, and ebooks links on the Library website. Here is our special prefix:
- Database (IEEE: Xplore): https://mines.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp
Links to free websites or open access resources that are not restricted to Mines users, such as arXiv, do not need to go through EZproxy. You will see these resources listed with an open access symbol.
You don't have to do anything except click on the link to one of our online resources (articles, ebooks, etc.) from the Library's website, and EZproxy kicks in automatically by showing you a login screen when you are off-site. You can also configure some citation managers and web browsers to store our EZproxy prefix, which will automatically authenticate you to the resource when it is available.
If you have other questions about EZproxy, or if you are experiencing problems accessing our electronic resources, please contact us.