History of the buildings on Mines campus?

I want to find out about the history of the buildings on Mines campus--When were they built, what did the campus look like?


Some buildings on the Mines campus have dates on their stonework or cornerstones. Some of our buildings are historical landmarks for Golden, and/or on the National Register of Historic Places (like Steinhauer Fieldhouse). A good general resource is the 2014 Mines Magazine article, "Building history: Campus structures reveal Mines' past."

If you use the above resources to identify a building's construction date, you can look for additional information in the campus news sections of older issues of Mines Magazine. Some Mines Catalogs (Bulletins) and Prospector Yearbooks include campus maps, so you can trace how the campus grew over time. 

Want more information? Contact the Library and visit our Colorado School of Mines Archive Research Guide.

  • Last Updated Nov 17, 2023
  • Views 319
  • Answered By Lisa Dunn

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